How Long To Wear Compression Socks After Surgery?

Medically reviewed by Dr. Michael Darder OBGYN — Written by Kari Johnson

Published October 31, 2020

Post-surgery recovery is a crucial period that requires proper care and attention. Compression socks are one effective way to support the healing process and minimize complications. These specially designed socks provide graduated pressure to the legs and feet, offering a range of benefits for surgical patients.

At Comrad, we understand the significance of post-surgery recovery and the role that compression socks play in optimizing it. This article explores the basics of compression socks and provides general guidelines to help you make informed decisions about their usage.

What Are Compression Socks?

Compression socks are specialized garments designed to exert pressure on the legs and feet, with the pressure gradually decreasing from the ankle toward the calf or thigh. This graduated compression maintains blood circulation, soothes swelling and discomfort, and supports the overall recovery process.

They are available in different varieties, ranging from medical grade that delivers higher levels of compression to those that deliver lower levels of compression for everyday use. Higher compression is generally recommended for those in post-surgical recovery, those with medical conditions, and athletes. 

Lower compression is suitable for everyday wear to soothe fatigue and discomfort for anyone who spends long hours on their feet or seated at a desk. Compression socks are made with elastic materials that provide a snug fit and maintain consistent pressure on the legs and feet. 

They are available in different lengths, styles, and colors, making them both functional and fashionable for everyday use. When utilized correctly, compression socks offer numerous benefits for patients recovering from surgery. 

How Can Compression Socks Support Recovery After Surgery?

Wearing compression socks after surgery provides several notable benefits. They aid in the recovery process by:

Maintaining Healthy Circulation

One of the primary benefits of compression socks is their ability to support blood circulation. After surgery, decreased mobility and prolonged periods of inactivity can increase the risk of blood clots forming in the legs, a condition known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). 

Compression socks put gentle pressure on the legs, encouraging the proper flow of blood back to the heart

Soothing Swelling

Post-surgical swelling, known as edema, is a common occurrence. Compression socks exert external pressure on the legs, minimizing the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. 

By facilitating efficient fluid drainage, compression socks help soothe swelling and support a comfortable recovery experience

Aiding Recovery

The graduated compression provided by these socks supports muscles and tissues, aiding in the regeneration and repair process after surgery. Compression socks promote oxygen and nutrient delivery to the muscles by exerting gentle pressure on the lower limbs, facilitating their recovery. 

Additionally, the compression soothes muscle soreness and fatigue, helping patients regain their strength and mobility more efficiently.

General Guidelines for Wearing Compression Socks

Before incorporating compression socks into your post-surgery recovery routine, it is crucial to consult with your healthcare professional. They have in-depth knowledge of your surgery, medical history, and any unique considerations that may impact your recovery. 

Your healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance on the type of compression socks, their appropriate level of compression, and the duration of wear based on your specific needs.

How Long Will I Wear Compression Socks?

The duration for which you should wear compression socks after surgery can depend on various factors, including the type of surgery performed and your rate of recovery. In general, it is recommended to wear compression socks consistently for the immediate post-surgery phase, typically around two to six weeks. However, your healthcare professional may advise a longer or shorter duration based on your individual circumstances.

How Should I Put Compression Socks On and Take Them Off?

To obtain the full benefits of compression socks and ensure comfort and effectiveness, it is crucial to wear them properly. 

Here are some helpful tips for putting compression socks on and taking them:

Putting on compression socks:

  1. Ensure your legs are clean and dry.
  2. Gather the sock in your hands, reaching the heel pocket.
  3. Gently roll the sock over your foot, aligning the heel of the sock with your own heel.
  4. Slowly unroll the sock up your leg, making sure it fits snugly but not too tight.
  5. Smooth out any wrinkles or bunching for optimal comfort.

Taking off compression socks:

  1. Grab the top of the sock and gently roll it down, ensuring the pressure is released gradually.
  2. Carefully remove the sock by rolling it down and off your foot, being cautious not to tug forcefully.

Remember to follow any specific instructions provided by your healthcare professional or the sock manufacturer to ensure the proper fit, care, and longevity of the compression socks.

Specific Considerations for Different Types of Surgeries

Compression socks are beneficial for most surgical recoveries, but special considerations should be accounted for depending on the nature of your surgical procedure. This section will outline guidelines for wearing compression socks after various surgeries to ensure an optimal recovery experience.

Orthopedic Surgeries

Orthopedic surgeries, such as joint replacements, fractures, or other procedures involving bones and joints, often require the use of compression socks. 

Here are some general recommendations for wearing compression socks after orthopedic surgeries:

  • Joint replacements: For individuals who have undergone joint replacement surgeries (e.g., knee or hip), wearing compression socks is typically advised for the initial two to six weeks post-surgery. Your healthcare professional may adjust the duration based on your progress and specific needs.
  • Fracture repair: If you have undergone surgery to repair a fracture, wearing compression socks may be recommended during the initial healing phase. The duration of compression sock usage will depend on the location and severity of the fracture, so consult with your healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Vascular Surgeries

Vascular surgeries, which involve the blood vessels or the circulatory system, often necessitate the usage of compression socks. 

Follow these recommendations for wearing compression socks after vascular surgeries:

  • Varicose vein treatment: If you have undergone surgery to treat varicose veins or other venous conditions, wearing compression socks regularly for several weeks after the procedure is generally advised. Your healthcare professional will provide specific guidelines based on your condition and recovery progress.
  • Arterial procedures: Individuals who have undergone arterial surgeries, such as bypass grafting or angioplasty, might benefit from wearing compression socks during the initial phase of recovery. Consult your healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

Cosmetic Surgeries

Compression socks can play a role in the recovery process following various cosmetic surgeries. 

Consider the following guidelines for wearing compression socks after cosmetic procedures:

  • Liposuction: Compression garments are often recommended post-liposuction to soothe swelling and support healing. Your healthcare professional will provide guidance on the duration and frequency of compression sock usage based on the extent of the liposuction procedure and your recovery progress.
  • Breast augmentation: Compression garments may be utilized alongside compression garments after breast augmentation surgery. Your healthcare professional will advise on their specific usage, including the duration and frequency of wear.
  • Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck): After undergoing an abdominoplasty procedure, compression garments can be beneficial during the initial recovery phase to soothe swelling and support healing. Your healthcare professional will guide you on the appropriate duration and frequency of compression sock usage.

Abdominal Surgeries

Compression socks may be recommended for individuals who have undergone various abdominal surgeries. 

Here are some considerations for wearing compression socks after specific abdominal procedures:

  • Hernia repair: Following hernia repair surgery, wearing compression garments can assist with swelling and support the abdominal area. Your healthcare professional will guide you on the recommended duration and frequency of compression sock usage.
  • Gastrointestinal surgery: After gastrointestinal surgery, wearing compression garments supports circulation. Your healthcare professional will provide specific recommendations based on your surgery and individual circumstances.

These are general guidelines for wearing compression wear after different types of surgeries. Nonetheless, the duration and specific recommendations will vary depending on your unique circumstances. Always consult your healthcare professional for personalized advice to ensure a smooth and successful post-surgery recovery.

Some Final Thoughts

At Comrad, we want you to feel your best each and every day. That’s why we offer a wide range of compression socks designed to meet various needs, providing the right level of support and comfort for your specific situation. Our goal is to help you on your path to recovery and make the healing process as efficient and comfortable as possible.

Feel free to browse our varied selection to find your ideal compression socks. We wish you a smooth and successful recovery journey.


Everything You Need to Know About Compression Socks | Cleveland Clinic

Compression Therapy | Cleveland Clinic

The Importance of Compression After Plastic Surgery | PlasticSurgery

Edema: Diagnosis and Treatment | Mayo Clinic